It is relatively easy to find a free Will template on the internet and fairly cheap to buy a Will “kit” from a newsagent or online. There are also websites that have “data collectors” that take your information and create a Will for you seemingly without any legal...Read More
The loss of a family member is always a difficult time, but it can become more distressing to learn that you have not been included in the Will. Generally, a person may leave their assets to whomever they wish. However, the law recognises that there are those who...Read More
It’s hard to imagine that somebody would harm, intimidate or take advantage of an aged and vulnerable person. Unfortunately, however, elder abuse occurs within our society and sadly, the perpetrators are often those entrusted with caring for our older generation....Read More
A Financial Agreement is an effective tool for couples in managing their estate planning. Financial Agreements allow couples to pre-determine what they quantify as a fair distribution of their finances and assets, in the event of a relationship breakdown, death of one...Read More
It is important for everyone over 18 to have a Will to make sure their wishes are followed and their assets are distributed as they would want after they die. If you don’t have a Will your assets will be divided according to how the law dictates in the rules of...Read More
The untimely death (or purported death) of Gerald Cotton, former Chief Executive Officer of Canadian cryptocurrency exchange company, Quadriga CX, emphasises the importance of planning your electronic after-life. Mr. Cotton’s death in India at the age of 30, not only...Read More